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Costs & Maintenance

Construction officially began on the 17th of August 1961. The total cost was about 7 billion rupiah, when the exchange rate was US$1 = Rp 135, 000 in 1961. About 1500 men workers were involved in building the monument.


Throughout the years, the Hitachi elevator in Monas has repeatedly gone out of order. It has trapped many tourists on the observation deck the last time it suddenly stopped working. Since 2003 to 2013, the elevator, which has a capacity of 11 people, has been used on an average of 160 times a day and has carried more than 4, 364, 509 people up the monument.It was decided that Rp 4 billion (around US$ 352,000) would be allocated from the 2013 City Budget to replace the elevator. Therefore, the elevator to the observation deck was closed from the 21st of October to the 15th of December 2013. To compensate for the closure of one of the famed attractions, cultural shows were staged every Saturday and Sunday throughout November 2013. However, by the end of February 2014, the elevator is still not open for public use.


Ketcher & Company are in charge of cleaning the monument’s outer walls. It is guarded by more than 50 guards in the day and 5 guards at night, to secure the 50 kg gold-plated flame.

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