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The Indonesia National Monument or Monas, as most people call it, is a monument built as a remembrance for the struggle of Indonesian heroes fighting the colonization of foreign empires. For decades, the Monas have reminded the people of Indonesia of their history and their nation’s pride.


The Monas serves as one of those must-see sites when sight-seeing in Jakarta not only because it carries a lot of history, but also because of its architectural beauty and natural vicinity. Despite the crowd and traffic-swollen roads, the monument being situated in Merdeka Square sits in a pleasant and green environment. The stunning vista of Jakarta from the top of Monas is one worth seeing as it is spectacular.


Not only is it an important place where international visitors could enjoy, but the domestic tourists just love the park and the Monument. Multiple events have been held in the area such as the Jakarta International Kite Festival, the Monas Fair and many more. During the New Year’s, locals can enjoy sensational fireworks and night fairs alongside the beautiful lighting illuminated from the monument.


The grand monument also has quite a number of educational purposes for the local students. Because this particular symbol of Indonesia holds a very significant history about Indonesia’s past, it has become a respected and popular destination for students having their field trips to get exposed and learn more about this National Monument.

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