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Garuda Pancasila

The Garuda Pancasila is the national emblem of Indonesia and is incorporated on the southern wall of the Hall of Independence in the Monas. It has the image of the Garuda - a mythical golden eagle that serves as the vehicle of the Hindu god, Vishnu - with a shield on its chest and a scroll that has the national motto 'Bhinneka Tunggul Ika' (Unity in Diversity) gripped in its talons.


The arrangement of the feathers on the Garuda invokes the Indonesian Independence Day. It has:


  • 17 feathers on both wings;

  • 8 feathers on the tail;

  • 19 feathers below the shield; and

  • 45 feathers on the neck.


The numbers correspond to 17/8/1945 or 17th of August 1945.



The shield irepresents the need for people to defend the country. It is divided into five sections containing symbols that include the star, chain, tree, bull, rice and cotton.


The star (bintang) at the center of the shield corresponds to the first principle: “Belief in One Supreme God” (Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa). This support the different faiths and religions along with the ideology of socialism.


The chain (raintai), located in the bottom right quarter represents the connectednes of generations of Indonesians. The round links represent the women while the square links represent the men. It corresponds to the second principle: “Just and Civilized Humanity” (Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab).


At the upper right quarter is the banyan tree or “pohon beringin”. This tree is known for having its buttress roots and branches, which corresponds to the third principle: “The Unity of Indonesia” (Persatuan Indonesia).


The head of a Javanese wild bull or “banteng” occupies the upper left quarter and symbolizes democracy, as Indonesians saw it as a social animal. This corresponds to the fourth principle: “Democracy that is Guided by the Inner Wisdom in the Unanimity Arising Out of Deliberations Amongst Representatives” (Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan Dalam Permusyawaratan dan Perwakilan).


Finally, in the lower left quarter is where the symbol of gold and white paddy and cotton is located. The rice and cotton (gandum dan kapas) represents sustenance and livelihood. This corresponds to the principle of “Social Justice for the Entire People of Indonesia” (Keadilan Sosial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia).


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